Saturday, November 2, 2019

Critically evaluate the view that Taylorism and Fordism have been Essay

Critically evaluate the view that Taylorism and Fordism have been replaced by post-Fordism as the means of organizing work in a capitalist society - Essay Example t and set forth new standards for employment organisation, proficiency, and machinery, allowing the system to cope with the continuously shifting market and highly technical atmosphere that is shaping the late twentieth century global economy. Nevertheless, philosophers themselves have criticised this modernisation. To them post-Fordism is just like Fordism. Neo-liberalism is just the same as liberalism and so goes for neo-Marxism and Marxism. According to Green (1997), postmodernism is to be perceived as the continuity of certain ideals current within it and not as a progression beyond it. True can be the same for Fordism and Post-Fordism. This essay will assess the current trends and models that have been adapted by the current society and realise if Fordism and/or Taylorism indeed has been replaced and if this replacement system offered any real changes in the management modules. Jessop (in Amin, 1994 p. 9) revealed the dynamism of Fordism and present four levels of analysis. First, Fordism is a labour process, an industrial paradigm that made use of assembly line technique for mass production, employing mass workers for mass consumption. Second, Fordism is a regime of accumulation. Owing to a steady form of macroeconomic growth, it entails a decent circle of growth owing mainly to mass production and a rise in income associated with productivity. A rise in productivity based on economies of balance. An increase in demand owing to increase in wages, rising profits secondary to full utilisation of productive competence leading to multiplication of investment in improved production equipment and performance. Thirdly, Fordism is a mode of regulation, linking to Taylorism and imploring the separation of ownership from control in large corporations, holding on to distinctive multi-divisional decentralised organisations run by one controlling body. Elevating it to a mode of socioeconomic regulation that takes into account pricing monopolisation, union recognition

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